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Diversity is key to building successful teams

Our Story

Established in 2022, Diversify is a group of enthusiastic individuals committed to addressing the diversity, equity, and inclusion disparity prevalent in the professional realm. Our primary objective is to streamline the process for businesses to engage and recruit exceptionally talented candidates from historically underrepresented communities. Additionally, we strive to collaborate with organisations in pioneering an unprecedented concept, an entirely transparent, fair, and egalitarian working environment.

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Transforming Lives

Having worked in the professional corporate world, we first hand witnessed the glaring lack of diversity. The prevalence of performative and tokenistic gestures troubled us deeply, compelling us to take action. This realization birthed Diversify — a commitment to address the genuine challenges surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Our mission is to go beyond superficial gestures and foster substantive change by creating a more inclusive and authentic professional landscape

The statistics are alarming and inequality exists, period!

Studies have shown that BAME workers are more likely to experience workplace discrimination, face barriers to career progression, and earn lower salaries than their White counterparts.


Estimated BAME population in the UK


of management positions held by BAME individuals in 2020


of BAME workers reported experiencing racial bullying or abuse from their colleagues, compared to 10% of white workers


of BAME workers in the UK were in low-paying jobs, compared to 23.6% of white workers

For clients

We partner with visionary organizations who believe in the power of collaboration to build positive outcomes. Together, we can create more inclusive and equitable work environments

Dependable, professional partnership

For candidates

At Diversify, we cater to candidates at every stage of their career, from junior and graduate level all the way up to C-suite executive positions. We believe in a holistic and inclusive approach that encompasses the entire talent pipeline. We believe that everyone deserves equal opportunities to thrive in their careers. Our candidate-focused approach is designed to connect you with exciting job opportunities that align with your skills, experiences, and aspirations.

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